A corporate event is an event organised in the corporate world. Corporate events are organised by business organizations and entities for targeted audience, employees or potential clients and partners. While corporate events have a wide range, they can be classified into six types:
1) Conferences: Conferences are networking events where employees of either the same company or different companies gather together to discuss future collaborations or projects.
2) Seminars: Seminars are very similar to conferences but they are more of a medium for learning than discussion.
3) Trade Shows: Trade Shows are events organised for people from a particular sector or an industry to discuss their products and services. Trade shows are also a means of healthy competition.
4) Corporate Parties: Corporate parties are an excellent way of brain stimulation and offering a release from monotony of everyday life.
5) Celebratory Events: Celebratory events are organised to celebrate any milestone or goal that the company or organization has achieved. It is a way to celebrate the efforts of all those who contributed to the goal.
6) Launch Events: A launch event is organised to celebrate as well as market the addition of something new to your organization. It can be a product, a website , a new collaboration or even an application.
Planning a corporate event can be a pickle. Add the pandemic to that and you are in a dire strait. However, with certain precautions and ideas, you can plan a successful and memorable corporate event in the pandemic too. Here are five tips to help you plan a corporate event during the pandemic:
1) Choose the right venue: Your choice of venue is determined by the number of attendees of your event. For a large number of attendees, an outdoor venue is a better choice because there are no ventilation issues. For a small number of attendees, you can use an indoor venue with air sanitizers installed at various points.
2) Clean the venue: Make sure the venue is disinfected before the event. Ensure that the mostly used surfaces are frequently sanitized during the event so as to prevent an outbreak.
3) Install sanitization stations: Attendees can use the sanitization stations to sanitize their hands frequently thus preventing any transmission and making your event safe as well as memorable.
4) Make masks compulsory: Ask your attendees to wear a mask. You can also have a mask dispenser installed for the attendees who forget to wear a mask.
5) Thermal screening: Make sure that no one with potential covid symptoms attends the event. Arrange thermal screening at the entry of the venue to ensure this. However, do not exclude such attendees. Help them be a part of the event virtually.